IPG Health campaigns accelerating health for women around the world

We know that the work we create has a higher purpose, and we're obsessed with using our creative firepower to drive lasting and meaningful impact in the world. 

Explore some of our groundbreaking campaigns and the impact they’ve had on women’s health: 


Bread Exam

McCann Paris, McCann Health London, McCann Worldgroup Germany Dusseldorf, FP7 McCann Dubai, Weber Shandwick

Awareness of breast self-examinations can be hindered in some communities by cultural taboos and tradition, which can prevent women discussing the steps of detecting the vital early signs of breast cancer. To remedy this issue, The Lebanese Breast Cancer Foundation and Spinneys Flour decided to turn tradition into an advantage, showing women how to perform a self-exam by teaching them how to bake bread. Meaning that learning to bake bread could save your life. 

Code Red 


Domestic violence disproportionally effects women — over 30% of women in the US have experienced abuse. There is a significant lack of access to resources due to coercive control and enforced isolation. Combatting this, we leveraged another experience of womanhood. Using menstrual products, we placed help directly into women’s hands, shielded from the gaze of abusers. Each product contains secret, self-destructive, inserts that provide links to life-saving resources. 

Take one, pass one on, save a life… Period. 

Donate Glass Bottle 

McCann Health Brazil

The Donate Glass Bottle campaign was crucial in raising awareness about proper breast milk management, preventing waste and increasing health benefits for women, such as reducing the risk of breast cancer and improving cardiovascular health. By providing education on the correct extraction, storage, and use of donated breast milk, the campaign enables every drop to be utilized to feed needy babies. This not only promotes the health of newborns but also strengthens the sense of community and solidarity among mothers. 

Everything they Didnt Tell You 


The EVERYTHING THEY DIDN’T TELL YOU book jacket is vital to women’s health because, unfortunately, the Black maternal mortality rate in the US is rising. This book jacket supplements the #1 best-selling pregnancy book, which gives Black moms the information they need that is missing or hard to find in the book. Women’s health isn’t just about surviving, it’s about thriving, and Black moms deserve that just as much as anyone else. 

Flo – “Have a Picky Kitty” 

FCB Health New York 

If you menstruate, it’s important to be choosy about period products, and the “Have a Picky Kitty” campaign exemplifies that. It unapologetically reminds women to listen to their bodies, specifically their vaginas, because with Flo, they can have it all when they have their periods: Trustworthy, organic, and sustainable pads and tampons that fight period poverty with every purchase! For a healthier menstrual mindset, Flo shines as the purrrfect choice for Picky Kitties everywhere.  

Love Me Not 


One in every three women have experienced domestic abuse. 

Love Me Not illustrates truths distilled from focus groups and survivors’ personal accounts. Illuminating over 7,600 billboards across the US, this initiative provides links to our crafted website, designed to provide targeted information, and help for each user. Mass media driving to a private safe space; validating and creating visibility, so women can identify their own lived experience and connect to life-saving resources.  


McCann Health Dubai

Research revealed that a staggering number of heart attack cases in women are being missed. McCann Health Dubai and Organon's "Mis[s]diagnosed" campaign emerged as a crucial platform raising awareness for women's health. Addressing historical gender data gap, it provides education on lesser-known female heart attack symptoms. Collaborating with influencers & healthcare professionals, the campaign amplified awareness across MENA, empowering women to recognize symptoms early and encouraging doctors to engage with patients during consultations to not miss any of the lesser-known signs of female heart attacks. 

Nurofen ‘See My Pain’

McCann Health London, McCann London

1 in 6 women experience severe pain every day, yet their pain is consistently overlooked in healthcare, underrepresented in research and dismissed due to ingrained gender biases. This leaves their pain misunderstood and mistreated. 

See My Pain is our pledge to make sure that all pain is seen, regardless of gender. The Gender Pain Gap refers to the phenomenon in which pain in women is more poorly understood and more mistreated compared to pain in men due to systemic gaps and biases. 

Reclaim Your Rhythm


There's one disease that kills more New York women than any other: heart disease. In partnership with the American Heart Association and a series of NYC artists, the campaign tells the stories of real NYC heart disease survivors — all set to the rhythm of real NYC women's heartbeats. The Reclaim Your Rhythm campaign helped show NYC women how to reclaim their heart health and fight their #1 killer.

Tear Couture Look Book 

McCann Health London

Women are disproportionately affected by acid attacks across the world. ASTI aims to end acid violence by raising awareness and supporting initiatives that work towards preventing incidents and supporting survivors.  

With the Tear Couture Look Book - featuring photography by celebrated fashion photographer Rankin - ASTi wanted to convince fashion and textiles CEOs to commit to safer practices around the handling and storage of sulphuric acid, widely used in their industrial processes.  

Toxic Tampons 


As a female-driven campaign, Toxic Tampons originated from two women who were shocked to discover that some of the most popular menstrual products in the US are contaminated with harmful chemicals. This campaign aims to arm menstruators across the country with the knowledge they need to make toxin-free period choices. Beyond that, it is part of a legislative initiative that will make real, regulatory change for people with periods. 

Unseen Housewives 


Child marriage is a human rights crisis affecting hundreds of thousands of American girls, who lose their freedom and opportunities for basic health and safety. Despite a misconception that child marriage is limited to under-privileged countries, it remains legal in the majority of states—with the government sanctifying statutory rape. This is disgusting, unacceptable and too often ignored. So we translated real stories of survivors into something Americans can’t turn away from: reality television.