Neon, Safe in Harm’s Way and launch “Feeling Small” campaign

After receiving industry recognition for “The Last I’m Sorry,”  Safe in Harm’s Way Foundation Inc.,, and Neon, An IPG Health Company collaborated once again to blow the whistle on domestic violence with their second national billboard campaign, “Feeling Small.” Amid peak season for domestic violence, the PSA spotlights emotional abuse and sends the take-home message that “no one should make you feel small.” 

A husband and wife sitting across the dinner table. The man in the image appears to be looming over the woman, physically encroaching in her space, while the woman is simultaneously shrinking in fear, discomfort, and shame, along with the text “No one should make you feel small.”

“The essence of this campaign is the feeling one gets when they feel less than or diminished in an intimate relationship. The nuance exists in this unspoken, and painful, relationality between partners. We focused on this simple truth so that people can draw a connection to their own lived experience, even on an intuitive level,” said Sam Lauro, Group Art Supervisor at Neon. 

This awareness campaign is featured on over 340 national screens in high-traffic areas like Times Square in New York City, Union Station in D.C., office lobbies and elevators, gas stations, billboards, digital bulletins and mall kiosks throughout the country. All campaign images mention both Safe In Harm’s Way and, along with the initiative’s microsite developed by Neon. 

“We kept quick, direct, and as safe as possible, knowing that oftentimes individuals will only have a few precious seconds to get to the help or information they need. Fully equipped with innovative safety features to ensure victims are protected when seeking help, the site is also inclusive, informative, and we hope it will be a lifeline for anyone who may need it,” said Morgan Mellas, Senior Art Director at Neon.