Adweek highlights McCann Global Health’s anti-vaping PSA

The latest from Adweek highlights McCann Global Health and The Evelyn Lilly Lutz Foundation’s new anti-vaping campaign, “Ditch the Vape. Get What’s Yours,” which emphasizes “the dangers to teenagers’ wallets rather than their health.” 

Instead of the $1,000 to $1,500 teens spend annually on vaping, the film draws on experience from real students to demonstrate other ways young people can spend their money, such as shoes, comic books, clothes, makeup and more. 


Head to YouTube to view a version of this video with closed captioning.  

Emily Carter, Account Director at McCann Global Health, said “speaking to [teenagers] about health risks is not particularly effective, because they’re young and feel invincible…However, scientific evidence supports this other direction: reaching them by highlighting the opportunity costs of vaping.” 

Dov Zmood, Executive Creative Director at McCann Global Health, mentioned that incorporating input from teenagers while developing the script was an important step in understanding what resonates with their age group. 

“The tonality is more razzing than shaming. That’s how teens talk to each other,” Dov said. “It creates an intimacy and familiarity [with the audience]. This couldn’t be squeaky clean.”