IPG Health wins big at 2023 Cannes Lions


In addition to winning “Healthcare Network of the Year, our agencies celebrated an incredible showing at the 2023 Cannes Lions awards, taking home a combined total of 14 awards for nine campaigns and 19 Shortlists.

Explore some of our award-winning work that exemplifies creative excellence, pushes boundaries and leaves the world better than we found it.



AREA 23's "bAIgrapher" is the world’s first artificial intelligence biographer that helps people with Alzheimer’s retain their memory.



“Picture the Days Ahead” 

A myeloma diagnosis doesn’t have to mean the end. FCB Health Europe's "Picture the Days Ahead" campaign helps patients picture living beyond the diagnosis.


“Toxic Portraits” 

AREA 23's "Toxic Portraits" bring patient suffering to light by taking the cause of their gout – uric acid – and putting its toxic nature on full display.


“Wall Street Balls” 

McCann Health Dubai's "Wall Street Balls" campaign features the Wall Street Bull’s “most-checked balls on Earth” to encourage self-examination, which is crucial for early detection and treatment of testicular cancer.


“Smart Plants” 

"Smart Plants," by McCann Health London and McCann London for UK retailer Plant Drop, allows consumers to buy plants based on their pollution-reducing qualities rather than purely aesthetic ones; so that they don’t just look good. They do good too.



“Mind’s Eye” 

AREA 23's "Mind's Eye" campaign allows patients living with Motor Neurone Disease (MND) to express themselves through AI image generation.